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This Good Friday we invite you to join us for a reflective journey to the cross of Jesus. This self-guided walk through a prayer labyrinth will invite you to consider the life and death of Jesus and the significance of his life and death for you!

We will start the Prayer Walk outside this year with the Burning of the Chametz.  What is it?
As we know- God instituted the PASSOVER when the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt. As the last plague was the KILLING OF THE FIRSTBORN, God gave the solution to Salvation- HOW TO ESCAPE JUDGEMENT- to the Hebrews. That is- it was THROUGH THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB ! But in preparation for this great and terrible EVENT, they were to rid themselves of any “Leaven” or Bread with yeast (the leaven- or yeast- representing SIN):

“Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread. On the first day you shall remove leaven from your houses. For whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that person shall be cut off from Israel.” (Exodus 12)

And so the Jewish people have practiced the Celebration of the Passover- from the very first anniversary- to today- in many of their customs. This is probably the longest continuous celebration in Human History- about 2,400 years.

On the evening before Passover, make a formal search of the home and all its surrounding properties while holding a lit candle. It is customary to put pieces of hard bread in various places some time before the search, so that the one who searches will find them.

After the search one must be careful that the chametz retained to be eaten or to be burnt in the morning, be put in a safe place, so that it not be carried about and thereby crumbled and spread by children or rodents.

After the search one must also nullify the chametz he may have overlooked and say:

"All leaven and anything leavened that is in my possession, which I have neither seen nor removed, and about which I am unaware, shall be considered nullified and ownerless as the dust of the earth."

In some of the neighborhoods in Jerusalem they actually have bonfires out in the street- burning the Chametz- and more. 

What is God asking you to repent of?  To clean up and remove from your home?  Bring it and burn it in a symbol of your repentance.  After we will head inside to begin our contemplation of Jesus road to the cross.  There will be readings and moments of reflection and meditation as you work your way through the labyrinth. 
Everyone is welcome! Stations:2016 will be open 4 - 8pm.