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It is that time of year when the world seems full of hearts, cupids, reds, pinks, purples, the promise of love, the burden to prove your love, the phrases “I love you”, “Will you be mine?”

And in all the words, is the pressure to love, to be loved, to feel like you are worthy of love.  Because if there is no one loving you on Valentine’s Day, are you lovable?  Are you wanted? Are you even seen?

And a day that seems to be about promoting the most valuable emotion, the strongest of declarations, and a passionate dedication, becomes a day that leaves us feeling judged, found wanting, pressured to prove either that we love or are lovable.

It is a day that is painful, costly and for some, only highlights the missing, the dysfunction, the brokenness, the heartache, the loss of dreams.

How did love end up on a card?  How did love get packaged in chocolates, on candies, with candles and romance?  How did love get reduced to an emotion that is here one day and gone the next?  Reduced to a commodity to be sold?  Used to prove ourselves or control others?

We have forgotten that love is not a “what” but a “who”. 

It was Love that spoke the universe into being.  It was Love that breathed life into dust.  It was Love that walked in the garden at the cool of the day, catching up with His creation.   It was Love whose heart was broken when we said, “We do not need You.  We want to be You.”

It was Love that chose us over and over again. Generation after generation of those who promised love, promised commitment but when it no longer was convenient, socially acceptable or made them “happy”, they walked away and broke Love’s heart again… and again… and again…

It was Love that walked the earth in a body of dust to show us what love can look like, should look like.  Love walked with us, taught us, served us, committed to us until death.  It was not convenient, not easy, not socially acceptable, nor did it make Him “happy”. 

But Love chose us.  Above all else, Love chose us.

Love knows each heart and the pain and darkness there.  Love breaks in and brings new and fresh and promises He will never leave.  Love gives our hearts the wings they need to love others.  Expands our hearts to encompass more and more.  And while we may fail, Love does not.  While we may choose easy, convenient or simple emotions, He does not. 

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. He does not demand His own way. He is not irritable, and He keeps no record of being wronged. He does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

In all the red and pink, may it be the voice of Love that we hear.  The whispers of “I choose you.  I see you.  I want you. You make my heart sing.  You are my treasure. You are my joy”.

May it be the voice of Love that prompts us to share the love He gives us with others.  Without expectations, boundaries, neediness or control.

Because Love loves us.