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Every year as we get ready for the fall, the staff prayerfully discuss all the ministries and how effective they are in meeting the needs of those that attend our church.  As part of our vision of Purpose, to fully proclaim the kingdom of God, one of the changes that will occur this fall will be to our service flow.  This change will allow for more songs before the sermon and will mean a change to where and when the children will be signing in. 

Beginning Sept 10th, parents will sign their children in on the program sheets in the foyer and then take their children into the service so that they can be apart of the service up until the sermon.  At the end of their time, the worship leader will dismiss the kids to head downstairs.  There will be teachers at the back to escort them to their classrooms, however, if parents would prefer, they may escort them.

For those with babies up to the age of three, the nursery will be avaiable from 10:20am until the end of the service. 

At the end of the service, we would ask that parents head downstairs immediately to pick up their kids.

It is our hope that this change will not only allow for the kids to be a part of some of the singing but  will also allow parents to be able to enter into a time of response to God more fully after the sermon.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Pastor Dawn Isaac (Children and Youth Pastor) or Kayla Baerg (Director of Children's Ministries).


Please note: Sign in is done for all ages up to Grade 4.  Grades 5-7 only need to have attendance taken in their classroom when they arrive.