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Friday, February 28th we are starting Life Group for youth!  Life Groups will run each week from 6 - 7:15pm and then youth with start at 7:30 and run until 9:30pm.  There are three options for Life Groups and this week we will do an overview of the options.  We would love to have parents join us at 6pm so that we can be clear about what each course is about.  The three options are Every Young Woman's Battle, Every Young Man's Battle and a Life Group on James.  

Every Young Man's/Woman's Battle are an open disucssion about Christian sexuality, dating, relationships, modesty, purity of mind and appropriate behavior all from a God honoring perspective.  Neither course holds anything back and discussions can be about anything.  Pastor Dawn will lead the girls group and Michael Nudds will be leading the boys group.  There is required reading and homework each week for this course.

The third option will be a mixed group on the book study of James.  Each week at the beginning of their time together, the youth will be given two passages of scripture one from James and one from Psalms to read on their own and write some impressions about.  Then they will gather together to discuss what stood out to them and then be lead in a lesson from the passage.  It is our desire to learn together about what scripture has to say and what better way that to give the Holy Spirit a chance to teach us all and share what He has laid on our hearts! 

We pray that as we launch these groups, the Lord will be honored by our disucssions and we will grow together!